Bhang Thu, 29 Aug 2024 11:45:38 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Is Marijuana Legal in India? Thu, 29 Aug 2024 11:45:07 +0000 It is possible to look at the way Bhang is legal in a number of states in India and this could cause you to think that this is the case for Marijuana too. However, you’re wrong, as at present marijuana is not legal in India. Therefore, regardless of whether you’re using, cultivating or selling this drug and […]

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It is possible to look at the way Bhang is legal in a number of states in India and this could cause you to think that this is the case for Marijuana too. However, you’re wrong, as at present marijuana is not legal in India. Therefore, regardless of whether you’re using, cultivating or selling this drug and you’ll be in grave legal troubles if are caught red handed. Be aware and aware of this.

So, What Does The Law In India Really Say About Marijuana?

Within the framework of Indian legal framework the main law or statute that governs marijuana would be the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (NDPS) Act of 1985. Just to be clear that the provisions in this Act generally prohibit the cultivation, sale or use and impose harsh legal sanctions. It is the NDPS Act, therefore, specifically bans the cultivation, sale and possession of certain prominent cannabis derivatives like Charas (the resin) and Ganja (the blooming tops).

However, some exceptions are present, one that is called bhang that is a psychoactive compound that is derived by the seeds and leaves from cannabis plant. However, the most important thing to note is the fact that bhang while generally considered legal, it isn’t the same across all states with authorities confined to the laws of their region and the practices of their culture. That’s basically the entire situation with regard to the use of these substances in India and across different states across the country.

What Is Specifically The Current Legal Status of Marijuana In India?

To be certain from the beginning One important thing to know is that, under current laws, marijuana is still a crime in India for consumption in general. It is also illegal for general consumption. NDPS Act authorities have also specified the exact punishments for those involved in the cultivation distribution, or use of the drug. However, there are a few exceptions to this law, for instance, the scientific or medical field subject to regulatory regulations and this suggests that marijuana can be used for medical purposes or as part of studies, but not in any instance is it for recreational consumption or for any other purpose.

However, states such as Uttarakhand as well as Madhya Pradesh have started allowing hemp to be extracted to use for industrial reasons. That’s it at present.

Practical Implications for Citizens

In India In India, being a victim of marijuana can put you in serious trouble. There is no denying it. The severity of the penalty will depend on the quantity of marijuana that you possess. For example, a small amount could result in a prison sentence that could last up to 6 months or an amount of Rs. 10,000 or both. When the amount grows and the penalty increases, it becomes more severe, like up to ten years prison, severe fines and so on. Also, it is important to understand the fact that marijuana laws aren’t uniform across the nation, but do have an element of variation as well. For example, Odisha may be miles ahead of the norm in terms of usage and an enforcer who is strict such as Maharashtra controls even Maharashtra’s controlled product bhang, and requires an authorization for sale.

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Can we take bhang in flight? Complete Guide Fri, 02 Aug 2024 08:49:53 +0000 One can only purchase from Banaras with an official medical certificate from any government-affiliated medical board that restricts consumption to under 96g monthly (this amount can add up quickly!). Here are some facts and figures about bhang to dispel any misperceptions about it. As cannabis has significant cultural/medicinal significance, its inclusion was left out from […]

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One can only purchase from Banaras with an official medical certificate from any government-affiliated medical board that restricts consumption to under 96g monthly (this amount can add up quickly!).

Here are some facts and figures about bhang to dispel any misperceptions about it.

As cannabis has significant cultural/medicinal significance, its inclusion was left out from The Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act 1985.

The National Drug Policy and Safety Act only prohibits hashish produced from cannabis plant buds or buds and not leaves; Bhang is produced using these leaves of cannabis and has its roots in an iconic case like Arun Singh vs State of Haryana, in which its judgement stated clearly that Bhang did not fall under its definition as cannabis.

Some states in India issue annual licenses from the Excise Department to sell Bhang for sale, thus leading to tax disputes [3].
One week before Holi you could develop digestive issues for which you would go to a government hospital and insist upon an ayurvedic cure, obtain a certificate, purchase Bhang and wave it in front of an airport authority while still making your flight on time.

Cannabis is legal in some states but not all, however this doesn’t mean you can pack yourself full of it and travel freely across the nation – this may only apply if your luggage passes inspection by a Dog Sniffer; should they detect anything out-of-the-ordinary that would trigger their alarm, however you could face an arrest under our restrictive National Drug and Poison Prevention System Act!

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Is bhang male or female? Know all about Fri, 02 Aug 2024 08:41:22 +0000 Does marijuana (bhang) have gender? This article discusses what characteristics separate male from female cannabis plants. Cannabis plants, just like humans and animals, possess both male and female genders with their respective reproductive systems. Being able to distinguish male from female marijuana plants is essential for breeders and growers as this informs value and quality […]

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Does marijuana (bhang) have gender? This article discusses what characteristics separate male from female cannabis plants.

Cannabis plants, just like humans and animals, possess both male and female genders with their respective reproductive systems. Being able to distinguish male from female marijuana plants is essential for breeders and growers as this informs value and quality in the final product being sold for sale.

Main Differences

Only female marijuana plants produce potency-packed THC buds, making their sale unnecessary as it will have minimal psychoactive effects and won’t provide as much of a high when consumed. Furthermore, male plants may pollute an otherwise clean crop of female plants by fertilizing them; once fertilized they may dedicate more energy toward producing seeds than towards producing THC nugs and flowers; male plants also crowd female plants to limit yield potential; thus growers typically only plant female seeds when cultivating marijuana as an end-product product. Therefore growers only cultivating marijuana will plant female seeds when cultivating cannabis into something sellable product.

How can we know which seeds will produce female or male offspring?

Regular seeds have an equal chance of developing into female or male plants; when harvested from a nug, planting them has no guarantee as to which gender it will produce. That is why feminized seeds have become such an enormously successful industry; providing growers with assurance that the seeds they sow will produce female plants.

Physical Differences

You found some seeds in a nug, and decided to give growing them a try. How can you identify and distinguish female and male plants?

To determine the gender of cannabis plants, one should inspect what grows between their nodes – where branches extend from the stalk – in the plant’s node structure. Male plants will have small pollen sacs for dispersing seeds; female plants typically feature stigmas which capture pollen that male plants spread. It is best to determine this information prior to its reproduction cycle becoming active; usually this can be determined within four to six weeks into plant development.

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How long is bhang high? Best tips Here Fri, 02 Aug 2024 08:34:36 +0000 On Holi, it is not unusual for thandai served on Holi to contain trace amounts of Bhang – some effects which you may or may not be aware of may even come into your glass of thandai being made with Bhang may include those below – scroll down further if interested.Does Bhang Achieve High? Individuals […]

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On Holi, it is not unusual for thandai served on Holi to contain trace amounts of Bhang – some effects which you may or may not be aware of may even come into your glass of thandai being made with Bhang may include those below – scroll down further if interested.
Does Bhang Achieve High? Individuals experiencing their first time high can feel uninhibited laughter, talkativeness, feeling of euphoria and relaxation; but for first-time users or those unknowingly taking Bhang mixed with sweets unknowingly it may cause guilt-inducing anxiety attacks as soon as a few hours after consumption.

Also Read: Bhang in India: Is it legal in Tamilnadu?

How long is bhang high? Best tips Here

Though usually self-limiting, recreational drugs may cause unpleasant sensations and even lead to severe distress and even mania in users who are new to them. Naive users can experience fast heart rate and blood pressure drops that lead to dizziness.
People with preexisting heart conditions may experience choking sensations, chest discomfort or breathlessness. There may also be muscle strength loss, decreased steadiness and response time slowdown that contribute to difficulty in coordination as well as occasional memory loss that is typically short lived.

Although acute Bhang poisoning can be deadly, its effects usually resolve themselves without needing medical intervention. While no antidote exists for Bhang use, supportive measures like cardiac and neurological monitoring may help. Persons experiencing severe anxiety and psychosis may require hospitalization where Benzodiazepines may be prescribed; above all else these patients must be handled with empathy before being referred for professional counselling services.

Also Read: What is Bhang and Disadvantages of Bhang

One can take simple steps to lower their hangover from Bhang. These include – not taking it on an empty stomach or eating spicy or oily food prior to use and not mixing it with other intoxicants like alcohol or cannabis; staying well-hydrated by drinking plenty of water and herbal or green tea as well as lemon water which has antioxidant effects which may reduce heavy headiness; increasing fiber consumption through eating fruits and vegetables while limiting painkiller usage for headache relief – sleeping in a peaceful room should provide optimal conditions.

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wellhealth ayurvedic health tips : Natural Home Remedies Tue, 18 Jun 2024 10:58:22 +0000 In this world of speedy technological advancements, in which innovations are on the rise, Wellhealth ayurvedic health tips as an ancient possibility is often overlooked and not understood. In the race to conquer modernity, we often overlook the significance and importance of the seasoned Ayurveda that has beaten the test of time and proven its strength, […]

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In this world of speedy technological advancements, in which innovations are on the rise, Wellhealth ayurvedic health tips as an ancient possibility is often overlooked and not understood. In the race to conquer modernity, we often overlook the significance and importance of the seasoned Ayurveda that has beaten the test of time and proven its strength, durability and reliability. Wellhealth ayurvedic health tips are believed to be the reason that prevention is superior to cure, while the current generation is reliant on modern treatment methods.

What is Ayurveda?

Ayurveda is a holistic approach to the long-term health and wellbeing of an individual, whereas modern medical science and treatment methods depict disease as a symptom to treat. Ayurveda discusses the connection between humans and nature, where people are born in the natural world and receives nourishment from the surroundings. Ayurveda is a system of fundamentals which describe the resemblance in nature. Every being within nature has the same elements, energy and awe. The healing practices of Ayurveda are grounded in this connection.

Ayurvedic Doshas

Wellness Ayurveda focuses on its three main elements, namely Pitta, Vata, and Kapha. These three elements of Ayurveda are a unique combination of fundamental forces that influence your physical and mental traits. The most effective way to improve your overall health and unlocking your full potential is to identify the dominant factor.

  • Vata People who are Vata-types tend to be more imaginative, intelligent and energetic. They also contain the elements of ether and air. Unbalance Vata can cause anxieties, feelings of unrest or digestive issues.
  • PittaPitta people are focused, driven and passionate. They get their energy from water, and also through the element of fire, Pitta. However, too much Pitta can cause irritation, inflammation, and skin problems.
  • The KaphaKapha people are generally peaceful and nurturing. They are grounded in water and earth. However, an excess of Kapha can cause slowness as well as congestion and weight increase.

Ayurvedic Health Tips To Maintain The Ideal Health Balance


Stress is a common occurrence these days, especially among young, but it’s not good for our well-being. Stress can affect not just your mental wellbeing and health, but it may impact your physical health too. There are many methods you can incorporate into your routine to ease your stress levels and relax your mind. Meditation can be an effective method to reduce stress. The physical practices like Yoga can help reduce your mental stress levels but increase your physical strength and flexibility. Exercises can help improve wellbeing and mental clarity.

Proper Breathing:

According to medical terminology, breathing is the inhalation and exhalation of oxygen, as well as the inhalation carbon dioxide. While in Ayurveda it is considered to be one of the fundamental aspects that balance the vitals. A traditional practice that involves breathing techniques is known as Pranayama. Pranayama helps us balance our doshas, and in turn increasing our energy levels. A healthy breathing practice not only balances the doshas that underlie it and helps to reduce anxiety or stress, enhances general mental health and improves energy levels.

Regular Sleep:

In both modern and traditional medical practices, sleep is regarded equally important as other elements of the healthiest life. Ayurveda believes that sleep is one of the three main factors that contribute to sound health Other three pillars of health Ayurveda discusses are diet and lifestyle. Maintaining a healthy equilibrium between the three pillars helps to maintain doshas balance, improves mental clarity, heals tissues, and aids in the overall physical and mental health.

Proper Diet:

A healthy diet not only defines what you eat however, it includes the time at which you’re eating and the reason you’re eating. Every person has different preferences and needs for food We should consume food that is balanced for our doshas. It ensures that our digestive system is well-balanced and keeps our overall health intact. Everything that is bitter tastes as gold. Warm food, ad hoc the consumption of foods that are warm like soups and sipping warm beverages throughout the day, and eating cooked meals at home can help to maintain a healthy and healthy life. It is important to avoid eating cold food leftovers because they may reduce the efficiency of our digestion.


Stress reduction is a key practice in Ayurveda that is essential to overall well-being and overall health. Practicing regularly, Pranayama or yoga as well as Abhyanga drinking herbal teas, and consuming nutritious food choices, in conjunction with getting a good and restful sleep will help to keep doshas from accumulating and helps keep well-being.

Immune-Boosting Herbs:

It is believed that the immune system constitutes the most important aspect of the body, and it can be the difference between sustaining or destroying the health. Ayurveda discusses a variety of medicinal herbs with immunity-boosting properties. This includes Ashwagandha, Guduchi, Turmeric, Giloy, Tulsi, Amla, Ginger, Neem Licorice Triphala and many more. But, it is important to talk to an expert in ayurveda to verify the correct dosage you need to be taking with your food plan to achieve the best results and boost your overall health.

Avoid Smoking and Alcohol:

Alcohol and smoking are harmful habits as well, and Ayurveda strictly prohibits these behaviors. According to Ayurveda smoking, smoking can cause Pitta as well as Vata doshas, which can disrupt the balance of the body and can lead to a myriad of health problems. Drinking alcohol can also affect digestion, metabolism, and mental clarity. This can affect the body’s overall health balance, causing disorders and imbalances.

Balance between Modernity and Tradition Intuitive Ayurveda along with Routine Health Assessments

Combining the ancient Ayurvedic practices of medicine with modern advancements in healthcare practices can lead to healthful lifestyles and total health. Combining both traditional and modern methods can aid in identifying the root cause of imbalance, which is then referred to as dosha. This blend offers an holistic approach that originates from Ayurveda that is beneficial in maintaining vitality and balancing dosha. The tech imbalance is measurable through regular health checks. This combination approach can both help to prevent health problems. It also provides our knowledge of our health and wellbeing, giving us an overall method live a healthy and healthy lifestyle. If you are able to follow Ayurvedic health strategies, it is recommended to include annual health checks to your routine to get your information about your health.


Ayurveda techniques are not only improve your health but towards curing a specific illness as well. It also assists to maintain a healthy balance as well as aiding with the prevention and treatment of disease. Wellness Ayurveda is the most effective guide to maintaining the harmony of your body, soul and mind. It insists on prevention instead of focusing on the treatment.

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Bhang and Alcohol: Can we drink beer on bhang? Mon, 29 Apr 2024 14:04:39 +0000 It’s fascinating, isn’t it? How a country can impose significant taxes on tobacco and alcohol while simultaneously permitting the sale of a drug through government-licensed shops? Especially considering the strict bans during the British rule, one wonders how this drug managed to escape prohibition. What’s even more curious is that religions haven’t entirely opposed its […]

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It’s fascinating, isn’t it? How a country can impose significant taxes on tobacco and alcohol while simultaneously permitting the sale of a drug through government-licensed shops? Especially considering the strict bans during the British rule, one wonders how this drug managed to escape prohibition. What’s even more curious is that religions haven’t entirely opposed its use.

India’s history has deep roots intertwined with cannabis, particularly its derivative known as Bhang. Indigenous to India, it has been an integral part of our culture for centuries, often consumed as a drink during festivals like Holi and Shivratri. Its usage dates back to around 400 BCE, with mentions in Vedic texts. Presently, according to the ‘Magnitude of Substance Use in India, 2019’ report by the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, more Indians consume Bhang (2%) compared to Charas or Ganja (1.2%). States like Punjab, Sikkim, Uttar Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, and Delhi show higher prevalence of Bhang usage.

But before delving into statistics, let’s understand what exactly Bhang is.

According to the NDPS policy, Bhang is an edible preparation made from the leaves of the widely available herb, Cannabis sativa. Cannabis contains potent constituents such as Cannabinoids, Terpenes, and Flavonoids, with over 100 recorded Cannabinoids, including THC and CBD. When a cultivar’s THC content exceeds 0.3%, it becomes psychoactive, capable of inducing a ‘high’. Charas, Bhang, Hashish, and Ganja are derived from such cultivars. While Charas and Ganja come from different parts of the plant, Bhang and Hashish are preparations made from its extracts. Technically, Bhang is solely derived from the leaves of the cannabis plant, often ground together with stems to create a mixture. It’s not a separate cultivar or species but a preparation from a cultivar with relatively higher THC content, capable of producing psychoactive effects.

Legal Position in India-

India, as a signatory to three international conventions, including the Single Convention on Narcotics (1961) and the UN Convention on Psychotropic Substances (1971), had to curb non-medical use of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (NDPS). However, the legislation failed to consider the nuanced cultural context of cannabis use in countries like India. Thus, the NDPS Act of 1985 was enacted to address this issue.

The act prohibits various activities related to narcotics and psychotropic substances, including production, possession, sale, and consumption. While the act explicitly bans the consumption of Charas and Ganja, Bhang, made from the leaves of the cannabis plant, remains exempt due to its distinct legal status.

The act defines Ganja as the flowering or fruiting tops of the cannabis plant, excluding seeds and leaves when not accompanied by the tops. Since Bhang is made from the leaves, it falls outside the scope of this definition, thus enjoying a degree of legality.

Moreover, the National Policy on Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances regulates the cultivation and use of Bhang in India.It clearly specifies that Bhang is a concoction crafted exclusively from cannabis leaves, with no inclusion of flowering tops or resins. The policy imposes restrictions on the production and cultivation of cannabis for Bhang, limiting it to wild cannabis and prohibiting commercial cultivation.

Overall, these laws and policies aim to monitor and control the use of cannabis and its derivatives, with cultivation permits granted only for scientific and medicinal purposes. Individual states have the authority to decide on the regulation of cannabis within their territories.

Exemption of Cannabis Leaves in the NDPS Act

The decision to exclude seeds and leaves of the cannabis plant from the purview of the NDPS Act stemmed from their low THC content, rendering them less potent compared to other parts. Particularly, Bhang, derived from these leaves, is considered the least potent among various cannabis preparations in India. This exemption can be traced back to colonial times when extensive studies, sponsored by the British, examined the effects of cannabis on Indian populations.

The Indian Hemp Drugs Commission Report, a product of these studies, concluded that banning Bhang would be unjustified. This was partly due to Bhang’s significant religious and cultural significance dating back centuries, where a sudden prohibition would likely result in backlash. Additionally, the report noted that Bhang was perceived as less harmful than alcohol or tobacco in the Indian context.

Consumption of Bhang

Bhang is typically consumed as an edible preparation, often mixed with nuts, herbs, and spices in the form of a milkshake known as thandai or lassi. It can also be consumed as Bhang golis or balls, which are freshly ground mixtures of Bhang and water. In addition, Bhang is used as an ingredient in various sweets like Bhang Besan Halwa and in beverages like Bhang masala Tea or Pakoras (Indian fritters). In the Himalayan regions, it is even consumed as a chutney alongside tomatoes and mint. Besides its recreational use due to its THC content, Bhang is also consumed for its purported anti-inflammatory and anti-phlegmatic properties.

Why You Should Avoid Mixing Bhang with Alcohol

With Holi just around the corner, excitement is building up for the festival of colors. Celebrated on the full-moon day of the Phalguna month in the Hindu calendar, Holi brings different traditions in households. While some indulge in flower and watercolor play, others prefer staying indoors and enjoying gujias. One common Holi favorite is bhang thandai, a milk-based drink infused with nuts, seeds, and rose petals. However, it’s essential to understand the potential risks, especially when considering mixing bhang with alcohol.

Bhang, a highly potent drug, is a key ingredient in thandai. Mixing alcohol with bhang can be akin to blending rum with heavily laced milk. The intoxicating effects of bhang, coupled with alcohol, can significantly alter judgment and lead to alcohol overdose. Here are some additional points to consider when consuming bhang:

  • Avoid Consuming Bhang on an Empty Stomach: It’s crucial to consume bhang after having food. Eating throughout the experience can help mitigate any adverse effects.
  • Consume Bhang Outdoors: For a safer and more enjoyable experience, always consume bhang outdoors.
  • Purchase Bhang from Reliable Sources: Refrain from buying bhang from random vendors to ensure its quality and safety.
  • Moderation is Key: Avoid excessive consumption of bhang without breaks to prevent potential negative effects.
  • Stay Hydrated: Keep yourself hydrated with plenty of water while consuming bhang.

It’s important to note that a bhang hangover may differ from a typical hangover, so refrain from using painkillers to alleviate discomfort. Taking these precautions can help ensure a safer and more enjoyable Holi celebration.

Understanding the Risks: Can we drink beer on bhang?

Mixing alcohol and marijuana is a common practice, with marijuana being the most frequently used substance among drinkers. While some individuals combine these substances to enhance their effects or mitigate side effects, this practice can pose serious risks.

Effects of Combining Alcohol and Bhang

When alcohol and Bhang are consumed together, individuals may experience intensified effects of one or both substances, including faster onset and heightened potency.

Bhang and alcohol both affect the central nervous system. Marijuana impacts brain areas responsible for memory, pleasure, and sensory perception, while alcohol acts as a depressant, affecting motor skills, judgment, and cognition.

THC, the primary psychoactive component in marijuana, acts on cannabinoid receptors in the brain, leading to cognitive effects and impairments. When alcohol is consumed alongside marijuana, it increases the absorption of THC into the body, resulting in a stronger high. However, this combination can also amplify negative effects, such as impaired judgment.

Risks of Mixing Bhang and Alcohol

Combining alcohol and Bhang can be dangerous due to the unpredictable effects of each substance, which are exacerbated when combined. Increased THC absorption due to alcohol in the bloodstream can elevate the risk of uncomfortable side effects.

Moreover, the combined impairment from alcohol and marijuana exceeds that of either substance alone, increasing the risk of accidents and injuries. Individuals may find themselves in risky situations while under the influence of both substances.

Regular use of this combination also raises the likelihood of developing dependence on one or both substances. Attempting to reduce alcohol or cannabis consumption may lead to increased reliance on the other substance.

Additionally, consuming alcohol while detoxing from marijuana can result in higher THC levels in the bloodstream, prolonging the detoxification process.

Potential Overdose Risks

Consuming excessive amounts of either alcohol or Bhang can lead to overdose. While Bhang overdose is typically not life-threatening, complications such as inhalation burns and asthma attacks from smoking cannabis can be severe. Drinking too much alcohol can result in alcohol poisoning, which can be fatal, especially when combined with Bhang.

In summary, while mixing alcohol with Bhang may intensify the high, it also increases the associated risks, including overdose and dependence. Caution should be exercised when considering this combination.


Is it safe to drink beer or alcohol with bhang?

Mixing alcohol and bhang can intensify the effects of both substances and pose serious risks. This combination can lead to faster onset and heightened potency, increased impairment, and elevated risk of accidents and injuries. Additionally, regular use may lead to dependence on one or both substances.

What are the effects of combining alcohol and bhang?

When alcohol and bhang are consumed together, individuals may experience amplified effects, including impaired judgment, cognitive impairment, and intensified highs. Alcohol increases the absorption of THC, the psychoactive component in marijuana, leading to a stronger high but also potentially unpleasant side effects.

What are the risks of mixing bhang and alcohol?

Combining alcohol and bhang can result in unpredictable effects and increased impairment compared to consuming either substance alone. This combination heightens the risk of accidents, injuries, and alcohol poisoning. Regular use may also lead to dependence on one or both substances.

Can you overdose on alcohol and bhang?

Consuming excessive amounts of alcohol or bhang can lead to overdose, with potentially severe consequences. While bhang overdose is typically not life-threatening, complications such as inhalation burns and asthma attacks from smoking cannabis can occur. Drinking too much alcohol can result in alcohol poisoning, which can be fatal, especially when combined with bhang.

What precautions should be taken when consuming bhang with alcohol?

It’s crucial to exercise caution when consuming bhang with alcohol. Avoid consuming bhang on an empty stomach, and ensure moderation in consumption. Consume bhang outdoors for a safer experience, and purchase it from reliable sources to ensure quality and safety. Stay hydrated with plenty of water, and refrain from using painkillers to alleviate discomfort if experiencing a bhang hangover.

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Bhang in India: Is it legal in Tamilnadu? Thu, 25 Apr 2024 11:54:43 +0000 Bhang in Tamilnadu, India: It’s indeed intriguing how India, despite imposing high taxes of 28% on tobacco products and 18% on alcohol, allows the sale of a drug openly through government-licensed shops. The historical and cultural context surrounding the use of cannabis, particularly its derivative called Bhang, sheds light on this unique scenario. What is […]

The post Bhang in India: Is it legal in Tamilnadu? first appeared on Bhang.

Bhang in Tamilnadu, India: It’s indeed intriguing how India, despite imposing high taxes of 28% on tobacco products and 18% on alcohol, allows the sale of a drug openly through government-licensed shops. The historical and cultural context surrounding the use of cannabis, particularly its derivative called Bhang, sheds light on this unique scenario.

What is Bhang?

Bhang, as defined by the NDPS policy governing its usage, is an edible preparation made from the leaves of the Cannabis sativa plant. Cannabis contains powerful constituents like cannabinoids, terpenes, and flavonoids, with THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) being one of the most notable. When THC content exceeds 0.3%, the cultivar develops psychoactive properties, resulting in a ‘high’ upon consumption. Bhang, along with other cannabis derivatives like charas, hashish, and ganja, is made from such cultivars with higher THC content, specifically from the leaves and sometimes flowering parts of the cannabis plant.

Historical Significance in India:

India’s relationship with cannabis dates back centuries, with widespread cultivation across various regions. Bhang became ingrained in social rituals, religious rites, and daily life, especially during festivals and social gatherings. Its popularity soared due to its perceived cooling properties during the scorching summer months.

Religious Connections and Contentions:

In Sikhism, while intoxicants are strictly prohibited, certain sects like the Nihangs continue to consume Bhang, considering it sacred. In Hinduism, Bhang is associated with Lord Shiva and is consumed during festivals like Holi and Shivratri. Islamic literature from the post-9th century acknowledges the properties of Bhang, although its use remains a contentious issue. In Buddhism, different schools have varying stances on intoxicants, with some interpretations allowing for the medicinal use of Bhang.

Legal Position in India:

India’s legal stance on cannabis is shaped by international conventions, leading to the enactment of the NDPS Act in 1985. While the act prohibits substances like charas and ganja, Bhang, made from cannabis leaves, falls outside its purview. The National Policy on Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances regulates the cultivation and use of Bhang, allowing its consumption under certain conditions.

Why did the NDPS Act exempt leaves and prohibit other parts?

The legislature excluded seeds and leaves of the cannabis plant from the Act’s scope because the notched leaves have minimal THC content, making Bhang the least potent of all cannabis preparations in India. This decision can be traced back to colonial times when the British conducted extensive studies on the effects of cannabis on India’s native population. Years of research, surveys, and interviews with psychiatrists and doctors from India and Britain culminated in the Indian Hemp Drugs Commission Report. One of the report’s ironic conclusions was that banning Bhang would be unjustified due to its religious and cultural significance in India. Additionally, it was deemed less harmful than alcohol or tobacco, considering India’s socio-cultural context.

Is bhang legal in Tamilnadu?

The Tamil Nadu government is actively considering allowing the cultivation of hemp for industrial and medical purposes, as the demand for hemp and its value-added products continues to grow.

The State Planning Commission convened a meeting to discuss “enhancing hemp cultivation in Tamil Nadu” and tasked the Tamil Nadu Agriculture University with preparing a feasibility report.

In a letter dated May 31, State Planning Commission member secretary TS Rajsekar wrote to the agricultural production commissioner and secretary of the agriculture and farmers’ welfare department to assess the feasibility of hemp cultivation in Tamil Nadu’s agroclimatic conditions, particularly in terms of utilizing fallow land.

Hemp and marijuana (ganja) are both part of the cannabis species and may look identical, but they have distinct properties that differentiate their uses.

Hemp is nonpsychoactive with lower tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) levels, typically ranging between 0.3 and 1 per cent. It has various industrial and economic applications that could benefit farmers. Marijuana, on the other hand, contains higher levels of THC, ranging from 5 to 35 per cent, and is mainly used to produce banned narcotic drugs.

However, both species are treated similarly under the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act, 1985 (NDPS Act), despite hemp’s numerous benefits.

Vasudha Chakravarthi, an independent cannabis researcher from the Nilgiris, who advocated for licensed hemp cultivation in Tamil Nadu, stated that hemp is a fast-growing and low-maintenance crop, making it environmentally friendly.

“The fibre extracted from hemp stalk is utilized in the textile industry, and various oils made from hemp seeds are considered highly nutritious. The fibrous material extracted from the leaves can be utilized in the production of paper, construction materials, and more. Additionally, hemp contains high levels of the medicinal alkaloid cannabidiol (CBD), which is widely used by cosmetic and pharmaceutical companies,” she explained.

Vasudha recently extracted CBD oil from hemp obtained from Uttarakhand, where cultivation is legal, and used it on chronically-ill elephants with permission from the forest department. The animals showed signs of improvement. Multiple WHO reports have highlighted CBD’s therapeutic benefits for various mental disorders, including Alzheimer’s, depression, anxiety, and cancer.

Sultan Ahmed Ismail, a member of the State Planning Commission, stated, “Considering the potential benefits hemp offers, we have requested the agriculture department to provide its feedback.”

“Clinical trials and field experiments need to be conducted by competent authorities, such as the agriculture university and horticulture department, to determine the suitability of hemp cultivation in Tamil Nadu. We must also be mindful of legal implications. Once we receive the feasibility report, the State Planning Commission will offer its recommendations to the State government,” he added.

Delzaad Deolaliwala, co-founder and director of Bombay Hemp Company and chairman of the Pan India Medical Cannabis & Hemp Association, mentioned that Sections 10 (iii) and 14 of the NDPS Act empower State governments to permit and regulate the cultivation of any cannabis plant for industrial and medical purposes. However, most State governments are hesitant to formulate policies in this regard.

Recently, in response to a petition filed in the Delhi High Court, the Union government stated that State governments can “permit, control, regulate the cultivation of any cannabis plant, production,The production, possession, transportation, or utilization of cannabis (excluding hashish) for medical, scientific, and industrial intentions.”

The affidavit filed by the Director of Narcotics Control stated that there is no total prohibition on cannabis under the NDPS Act. However, it can be utilized for medical, scientific, industrial, and horticultural purposes by obtaining the required permissions from the respective State governments.

How is Bhang consumed?

Bhang is typically consumed as an edible preparation, often blended with nuts, herbs, and spices to make milkshakes like thandai or lassi. It can also be consumed in the form of Bhang golis/balls, freshly ground mixtures of Bhang and water, or used as an ingredient in sweets like Bhang Besan Halwa and beverages like Bhang masala tea or pakoras (Indian fritters). In the Himalayan regions, it is consumed as a chutney with tomatoes and mint. Besides its recreational value due to THC content, Bhang is also consumed for its anti-inflammatory and anti-phlegmatic properties.

Medicinal use of Bhang:


Even during the Vedic Age, Bhang’s anesthetic and anti-phlegmatic properties were known. Over time, Ayurveda recognized its therapeutic properties and recommended its use after purification. Bhang is mentioned in ancient texts like the Atharva Veda, Sushruta Samhita, and Bhava Prakasha. It has been studied for its efficacy in treating various ailments, including digestive issues, muscular pains, skin infections, inflammation, and insomnia. The essential oil of Bhang has also shown antimicrobial properties.

Unani System:

In the Unani system of medicine, Bhang is considered essential, known for its aphrodisiac, retentive, hypnotic, and sedative properties.


While homeopathy primarily uses the flowering part of the cannabis plant, it has found applications in treating personality disorders, mental disorders, hallucinations, memory loss, and pain.


Although there’s limited research on Bhang’s benefits in allopathic medicine, THC, found in Bhang, has been studied for various medical conditions like nausea, vomiting, epilepsy, glaucoma, cancer, and HIV/AIDS.

Recreational Aspect:

Bhang, when administered in small doses under guidance, is relatively safe, offering relaxation. However, some use it for its potential to induce a ‘high,’ which requires careful dosage and concentration. Excessive intake can lead to complications, including confusion, dry mouth, fatigue, anxiety, mood changes, increased heart rate, dizziness, headaches, and, in rare cases, hallucinations, paranoia, panic attacks, nausea, and vomiting. Nonetheless, the medicinal use of Bhang is considered safe and offers numerous health benefits, including acting as an antidepressant, painkiller, weight loss aid, skin treatment, anti-cancer agent, anti-nausea remedy, and more.

If you’re interested in exploring, here are a few places that offer Bhang beverages and delicacies:

  • Off Limits Coffee in Kasol serves Bhang coffee.
  • The Hemp Cafe in Pune offers one of their specialties, the ‘Bhang ka sandwich.’
  • Hemp Station in Calicut specializes in hemp seed milkshakes.
  • Doctor Bhang in Jaisalmer.
  • Special Lassi in Pushkar.
  • Gopa Chowk in Jaisalmer.
  • Blue Lassi Shop in Varanasi.
  • Sarkari Theka Bhang in Mathura.
  • Theka Bhang at Assi Ghat in Varanasi.
  • Hippie Island in Hampi.
  • Hatibagan in Kolkata.


India’s stance on Bhang reflects a complex interplay of historical, cultural, and legal factors. While it remains regulated, efforts to explore its industrial and medical potential, as seen in Tamil Nadu, highlight evolving attitudes towards cannabis. As research progresses, a nuanced understanding of Bhang’s benefits and risks is essential for informed policymaking.

FAQs about Bhang in Tamilnadu, India

What is Bhang, and how is it different from other cannabis derivatives?

Bhang is an edible preparation made from the leaves of the Cannabis sativa plant. Unlike other cannabis derivatives like charas and ganja, which are made from parts with higher THC content, Bhang is typically made from leaves with minimal THC, making it less potent.

What are the historical and cultural associations of Bhang in India?

Bhang has deep-rooted historical and cultural significance in India, dating back centuries. It is integral to social rituals, religious rites, and festivals like Holi and Shivratri. Various religious texts and traditions also mention Bhang’s association with deities and spiritual practices.

Is Bhang legal in India?

Yes, Bhang is legal in India under certain conditions. While substances like charas and ganja are prohibited under the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act, Bhang, made from leaves with minimal THC, falls outside its scope. However, regulations govern its cultivation, production, and consumption.

What are the medicinal properties of Bhang?

Bhang is valued for its medicinal properties, including anti-inflammatory, anti-phlegmatic, and pain-relieving effects. It has been used in traditional Ayurvedic, Unani, and homeopathic medicine for treating various ailments like digestive issues, muscular pains, skin infections, and insomnia.

How is Bhang consumed, and what are its recreational and medicinal uses?

Bhang is typically consumed as an edible preparation, blended into milkshakes like thandai or lassi, or used in sweets and beverages. Its recreational use stems from its psychoactive properties, offering relaxation and euphoria. Additionally, Bhang is valued for its medicinal benefits, including its use as an antidepressant, painkiller, and anti-nausea remedy.

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What is Bhang and Disadvantages of Bhang Wed, 24 Apr 2024 13:32:54 +0000 Bhang and its Disadvantages: The dried leaves, flowers, stems, and seeds of the Cannabis sativa or Cannabis indica plant are commonly referred to as Bhang or smoking weed (Bhang). These plants contain THC, a psychoactive substance that alters perception, along with other related compounds. Cannabis can also be used to produce extracts. Bhang is the […]

The post What is Bhang and Disadvantages of Bhang first appeared on Bhang.

Bhang and its Disadvantages: The dried leaves, flowers, stems, and seeds of the Cannabis sativa or Cannabis indica plant are commonly referred to as Bhang or smoking weed (Bhang). These plants contain THC, a psychoactive substance that alters perception, along with other related compounds. Cannabis can also be used to produce extracts.

Bhang is the most commonly used addictive drug, followed by alcohol and tobacco. It is particularly popular among young people, with over 11.8 million teenagers and young adults reported to have used Bhang in the year prior to 2018. While the number of children in grades 8 and 10 who report daily Bhang use has increased, overall usage among middle and high school students has remained stable in recent years, according to the Monitoring the Future survey.

The psychoactive component THC has gained popularity among teenagers, with 4% of 12th graders claiming daily use of THC due to the increasing acceptance of vaping products. Additionally, teenagers are increasingly less likely to perceive regular Bhang use as dangerous.

How Bhang is Used: Bhang and its Disadvantages

Aside from smoking through pipes and water pipes, Bhang is also consumed in hand-rolled cigarettes (joints) and in bongs. Blunts, which are emptied cigars filled with Bhang, are another common method. Some people opt for vaporizers to avoid inhaling smoke, which extract active compounds like THC and produce vapor instead. Liquid Bhang extracts are also used in some vaporizers.

Bhang can also be incorporated into various edibles such as tea, brownies, and cookies. Another emerging method is the consumption of THC-rich resins, either through smoking or ingestion.

Effects of Bhang on the Brain: Bhang and its Disadvantages

Short-term Effects

When Bhang is smoked, THC enters the bloodstream rapidly through the lungs and reaches the brain and other organs. The effects are felt more gradually when consumed orally or applied topically, typically within 30 to 60 minutes.

THC affects specific brain cell receptors that are sensitive to similar chemicals. Overactivation of these receptors, particularly in areas where they are abundant, leads to the sensation of being “high” and can cause altered perceptions, mood swings, impaired coordination, difficulty with problem-solving, memory impairment, hallucinations, delusions, psychosis, and distorted sense of time.

Long-term Effects

Bhang use, especially when initiated during adolescence, can impact brain development, affecting the connections between regions responsible for cognitive functions like thinking, memory, and learning. Research is ongoing to determine the duration and permanence of these effects.

Studies have shown that heavy Bhang use in adolescence may lead to a decline in IQ, with individuals experiencing an average loss of 8 IQ points by adulthood. This decline was not reversible in those who continued to struggle with Bhang use disorders. However, adults who ceased Bhang use did not exhibit significant IQ decreases. (Bhang and its Disadvantages)

Another study found that Bhang use during adolescence was associated with declines in verbal and general knowledge, but no differences were observed between twins when one used Bhang and the other did not. This suggests that factors other than Bhang, such as genetics and family environment, may contribute to IQ reduction.

The Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development program is conducting research to better understand how Bhang and other substances impact brain development during adolescence.

Benefits and Drawbacks of Smoking Weed (Bhang)

For thousands of years, people have utilized cannabis for both medicinal and recreational purposes.

Benefits of Smoking Weed (Bhang)

With more states legalizing Bhang for medical and recreational use, researchers have gained greater freedom to explore the potential benefits and drawbacks of the cannabis plant. This has led to increased interest and understanding of various cannabinoids and their potential medicinal uses. Let’s explore some of the most researched uses of cannabis:

  • Reduces Inflammation

Inflammation is a common factor in various chronic conditions such as multiple sclerosis (MS), muscle spasms, epilepsy, glaucoma, Alzheimer’s disease, and others. CBD and other cannabinoids have been found to effectively reduce inflammation. A well-known study from 2010 demonstrated CBD’s efficacy in reducing inflammation.

  • Alleviates Pain

Chronic pain significantly impacts quality of life and productivity, affecting individuals with conditions such as migraines, fibromyalgia, and neuropathic pain. Cannabis can provide relief from pain when applied topically or ingested orally, reducing the need for strong opioids and other medications that may have adverse effects. Access to medical cannabis has been associated with a decrease in the use of opioids and other drugs. According to the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, there is substantial evidence supporting the use of cannabis and cannabinoids for chronic pain relief.

  • Decreases Nausea

Nausea can be a debilitating symptom caused by various factors, including medical treatments like chemotherapy. Cannabis may alleviate nausea and improve appetite, making it easier for individuals to consume food. Research suggests that cannabinoids, particularly CBD and THCA, can be effective in managing nausea and vomiting. FDA-approved synthetic THC drugs like dronabinol and nabilone have been used to treat nausea and vomiting induced by chemotherapy and to stimulate appetite in AIDS patients.

  • Helps Reduce Anxiety and Depression

Studies have shown that cannabis, when used in moderation, can reduce anxiety and improve mood. The specific strain, terpenes, and THC: CBD ratio may play a role in the anxiolytic effects of cannabis. While THC may reduce anxiety in low doses but increase it in higher doses, CBD has shown to consistently reduce anxiety without the intoxicating effects associated with THC. Combining THC and CBD may counteract some of the anxiety-inducing effects of THC. Cannabis use has been found to alleviate symptoms of anxiety and depression in clinically diagnosed populations.

  • Improves Sleep Quality

Preliminary research suggests that CBD may be effective in treating insomnia, while THC may help individuals fall asleep faster but may impact sleep quality over time. Acute administration of cannabis has been shown to aid in falling asleep and increase Stage 4 sleep. However, further research is needed to fully understand the effects of cannabis on sleep.

Drawbacks of Smoking Weed (Bhang)

While cannabis offers potential benefits, it’s essential to acknowledge the potential drawbacks:

  • Risk of Addiction: Some individuals may develop a dependence on cannabis, leading to addiction and withdrawal symptoms when attempting to quit.
  • Impaired Cognitive Function: Long-term use of cannabis, especially during adolescence, may impact cognitive function, memory, and learning abilities.
  • Mental Health Risks: Cannabis use may exacerbate or trigger mental health issues such as schizophrenia, psychosis, and mood disorders in susceptible individuals.
  • Respiratory Issues: Smoking cannabis can lead to respiratory problems similar to those caused by smoking tobacco, including chronic bronchitis and lung irritation.
  • Legal and Social Implications: Despite legalization in some areas, cannabis remains illegal in many regions, leading to potential legal consequences for possession and use. Additionally, social stigma surrounding cannabis use may impact relationships and employment opportunities.

Disadvantages of Smoking Weed (Bhang)

Recent studies have validated what many individuals have suspected for some time based on personal experiences: cannabis offers various medicinal and positive effects worthy of exploration. However, it’s essential to maintain an unbiased and objective viewpoint regarding cannabis use and its impacts on individuals. It’s crucial to acknowledge the genuine drawbacks and distinguish them from the prevalent negative stereotypes and misinformation that have circulated over the years. Let’s delve into some of the adverse health, societal, and legal effects of cannabis use.

  • Impaired Memory

The notion that cannabis use can lead to short-term memory impairment is widely recognized. This effect may be particularly pronounced in young adults, whose prefrontal brains may not fully develop until around the age of 25. While there’s limited research on cannabis’s impact on cognitive function, some studies suggest that young adults who use cannabis before the age of 15 may be more susceptible to memory issues later in life. However, it remains unclear whether chronic cannabis use results in lasting cognitive deficits or if these effects are temporary.

  • Lung Damage

Smoking, in any form, can lead to lung damage. Current evidence suggests that cannabis smoke may have similar effects on the lungs as tobacco smoke, resulting in symptoms such as increased coughing and hyperinflation. While there’s limited research comparing the links between cannabis and tobacco smoke and more serious conditions like lung cancer, long-term cannabis use has been associated with symptoms of chronic bronchitis. Additionally, cannabis smokers may inhale higher levels of carbon monoxide and tar compared to tobacco smokers, which could potentially impact cardiovascular health, particularly in vulnerable populations.

  • Legal Discrepancies

The continued federal prohibition of cannabis in many states poses challenges to accessing and utilizing cannabis products effectively. Legal concerns may deter individuals from using cannabis as a treatment, fearing legal, professional, and criminal repercussions. Federal restrictions can also affect employment opportunities, as individuals may be disqualified from federal positions, even in states where cannabis is legal. Patients with medical cards may face restrictions on certain activities, such as obtaining a concealed carry permit. Moreover, purchasing cannabis from the black market in states with limited legal options poses risks of exposure to tainted products and challenges in obtaining accurate information about strains, growing methods, and cannabinoid profiles.

  • Persistent Social Stigma

While drug policy reforms have led to some reduction in the societal stigma surrounding cannabis use, significant stigma persists, especially in areas where cannabis remains illegal for recreational or medical purposes. Historical stigmatization and criminalization of cannabis have been driven more by societal perceptions of the plant and its users than actual issues related to its use. Even with increased acceptance, cannabis users may still face stigma, leading to secrecy about their usage. Marginalized communities often face harsher stigma and penalties, such as job loss or legal repercussions, for cannabis use.

In summary, while cannabis offers potential benefits, it’s essential to recognize and address its drawbacks, ensuring that individuals can make informed decisions about its use while mitigating potential risks.


Bhang and its Disadvantages, with its psychoactive compound THC, has been used for both medicinal and recreational purposes for thousands of years. While it offers potential benefits such as pain relief and reduced inflammation, it also poses drawbacks such as addiction risk and cognitive impairment. Understanding both the benefits and drawbacks of Bhang use is essential for making informed decisions about its consumption.

FAQs about Bhang and its Disadvantages

What is Bhang?

Bhang, also known as weed or cannabis, refers to the dried leaves, flowers, stems, and seeds of the Cannabis sativa or Cannabis indica plant. It contains THC, a psychoactive compound that alters perception, along with other related compounds.

How is Bhang used?

Bhang can be smoked through pipes, water pipes, hand-rolled cigarettes (joints), or emptied cigars filled with Bhang (blunts). Vaporizers can also be used to inhale vaporized Bhang extracts. Additionally, Bhang can be infused into various edibles such as brownies, cookies, and tea.

What are the short-term effects of Bhang on the brain?

When smoked, THC enters the bloodstream rapidly, affecting specific brain cell receptors and leading to sensations of being “high.” Short-term effects include altered perception, mood swings, impaired coordination, difficulty with problem-solving, memory impairment, hallucinations, and psychosis.

What are the long-term effects of Bhang use?

Long-term Bhang use, especially when initiated during adolescence, may impact brain development, leading to cognitive deficits and memory problems. Studies suggest that heavy Bhang use in adolescence may result in a decline in IQ, with effects persisting into adulthood.

What are the benefits and drawbacks of smoking weed (Bhang)?

Bhang has been associated with benefits such as reducing inflammation, alleviating pain, decreasing nausea, reducing anxiety and depression symptoms, and improving sleep quality. However, drawbacks include the risk of addiction, impaired cognitive function, respiratory issues, legal discrepancies, and persistent social stigma.

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Mahashivratri and Bhang: Can we drink bhang in Shivratri fast? Tue, 23 Apr 2024 13:22:20 +0000 Mahashivratri and Bhang: In a world filled with chaos, Shivratri isn’t just a night of reverence; it stands as a symbol of profound spiritual awakening, purity, and a connection with the Supreme Soul, Shiva. Let’s delve into the essence of Shivratri, exploring the importance of awakening, fasting, and the symbolic use of bhang, guiding us […]

The post Mahashivratri and Bhang: Can we drink bhang in Shivratri fast? first appeared on Bhang.

Mahashivratri and Bhang: In a world filled with chaos, Shivratri isn’t just a night of reverence; it stands as a symbol of profound spiritual awakening, purity, and a connection with the Supreme Soul, Shiva. Let’s delve into the essence of Shivratri, exploring the importance of awakening, fasting, and the symbolic use of bhang, guiding us toward a golden era of purity and peace.

Story of Shiva and Bhang: Mahashivratri and Bhang

According to legend, after the Samudra Manthan event described in the scriptures, Shiva consumed Bhang. During the churning of the ocean, a poison called Halahala emerged, threatening the universe. To protect creation, Shiva drank the poison, which caused immense heat within him.

In order to cool Shiva down, the Devas prepared Bhang and offered it to him.

Why do followers of Shiva enjoy consuming bhang on Maha Shivratri?

Maha Shivratri is the auspicious night commemorating the wedding of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati. Bhang holds significant cultural importance on this occasion, often distributed as “Shiv Prasad” in places like Varanasi.

Devotees celebrate Maha Shivratri by consuming bhang, considering it a special part of the festivities. The preparation of bhang is considered an art in various places, with its grinding being a revered ritual. Bollywood movies often feature stars dancing to songs with lyrics about bhang, such as “Jai Jai Shiv Shankar” from “Aap Ki Kasam” and “Itna Mazaa Kyun Aa Raha Hai” from “Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani.”

Bhang is closely linked with Lord Shiva, with the popular drink Thandai made from milk and bhang being readily available during Maha Shivratri. In Hindu scriptures, bhang is referred to as Vijaya, and devotees offer it along with other items like dhatura and tambul as prasad during worship, as they are believed to be favored by Lord Shiva. This tradition explains why devotees consume bhang, especially on Maha Shivratri.

But do you know why Bholenaath loved bhang?

Legend has it that Lord Shiva, while wandering in the forest, came across cannabis plants where he rested. Upon waking up, he found himself drawn to the cannabis leaves and enjoyed consuming them. This is said to be how Lord Shiva developed a fondness for bhang. Today, devotees partake in bhang to honor Lord Shiva and celebrate Maha Shivratri.

Mahashivratri and Bhang: Why Lord Shiva Drinks Bhang?

Let’s explore the reasons behind Lord Shiva’s consumption of bhang and examine the various narratives surrounding Shiva’s relationship with this substance.

The Vedas:

According to the Vedas, during the churning of the ocean by the Gods and demons to obtain the nectar, a drop of this divine substance fell on Mount Madra. From this droplet emerged a plant, and the beverage crafted from its leaves became a beloved choice among the Gods, including Lord Shiva. It’s said that Shiva then brought cannabis down from the Himalayas for the delight of humanity.

Sister of Ganga:

Bhang is also thought to be the sister of Goddess Ganga, hence their depiction as residing side by side on Shiva’s head. Alternatively, some interpret the cannabis plant as another manifestation of Parvati, who dwells alongside her sister Ganga with Shiva.

Soma Rasa:

Ancient texts often mention the Gods consuming Soma rasa, which is sometimes equated with bhang. However, it remains unclear whether Soma and Bhang are identical or distinct beverages.

Shiva & Bhang:

It’s believed that since Lord Shiva is perpetually immersed in deep meditation, bhang aids him in maintaining a state of complete bliss and concentration. Consequently, sadhus and monks consume bhang and smoke marijuana to attain a blissful state akin to Shiva’s.

These are a few theories explaining why Lord Shiva drinks bhang. Regardless of the reason, consuming bhang holds great significance during Shivaratri, believed to alleviate ailments and relieve pain.

Shiva and Bhang: Mahashivratri and Bhang

Awakening: Moving from Darkness to Divine Light

Shivratri, representing Shiva’s night, marks a crucial moment of spiritual revival—a transition from darkness to light. It signifies the descent of the Incorporeal God Shiva into our realm, enlightening our minds with drops of spiritual wisdom. This divine intervention rouses us from the slumber of ignorance, reminding us of our true essence—not merely as bodies with identities, but as pure, tranquil souls. This awakening serves as the initial step in transforming the iron age (Kali Yuga) of moral decay into a golden age (Satya Yuga) of righteousness.

Fasting: A Commitment to Purity and Divine Connection

Fasting, or ‘Upvas’, during Shivratri isn’t just about abstaining from food; it symbolizes a state of proximity to God, residing in a realm of mental and spiritual purity. By pledging to purify our thoughts, words, actions, and relationships, we allow our minds to become vessels for divine wisdom. This purity facilitates divine remembrance, making our connection with God natural and effortless. Thus, fasting on Shivratri transcends the physical realm, nurturing an inner environment where divine qualities thrive.

Bhang: Symbolizing Spiritual Elevation

While the physical consumption of bhang is a common ritual, its spiritual counterpart involves elevating the soul with divine knowledge and power. This spiritual elevation awakens us to our inherent virtues of peace, purity, and bliss, steering us away from the pursuit of external happiness. It signifies the soul’s elevated state, infused with God’s wisdom, sustaining us in a state of joy and divine love that surpasses the temporal.

The Path to a New Beginning

Shivratri beckons us to embark on a journey of self-transformation, guiding us from darkness to divine light. By embracing the virtues of purity, engaging in introspection, and nurturing a profound connection with the Divine, we lay the groundwork for a new world. It’s an invitation to let go of our faults, like presenting toxic flowers, and embrace our inherent divinity, marking the beginning of a prosperous era.


Shivratri transcends mere ritualistic observance; it’s a profound spiritual odyssey that provides a roadmap from the chaos of the iron age to the purity and peace of a golden era. As we internalize the essence of awakening, fasting, and spiritual elevation, we draw closer to understanding our true selves and the divine plan for humanity. Let this Shivratri serve as a turning point, a commitment to purity, and a stride toward a life imbued with divine qualities.

Tips for Enjoying Bhang Safely and Mindfully on Shivaratri

The Importance of Bhang

Bhang, derived from the leaves and buds of the cannabis plant, has been an integral part of Indian culture for centuries. Typically consumed as a beverage mixed with milk, spices, and sugar, bhang is revered for its medicinal properties, especially during Maha Shivaratri.

Tips for Safely Enjoying Bhang with Mindfulness

Understand Your Limits: Whether you’re a seasoned user or trying bhang for the first time, it’s crucial to know your tolerance levels. Cannabis affects individuals differently, and excessive consumption can result in adverse effects such as anxiety and impaired judgment. Start with a small dose and gradually increase it, considering the potency of the bhang.

Consume Responsibly: Maha Shivaratri is a spiritual occasion, and the consumption of bhang should enhance the festivities without overshadowing the essence of the festival. Avoid overindulgence or mixing bhang with other intoxicants. Instead, focus on savoring its flavors and experiencing the relaxation it provides.

Stay Hydrated: Bhang can cause dehydration, so it’s essential to drink plenty of water or other non-alcoholic beverages during the celebration. Coconut water or herbal teas can also serve as refreshing alternatives.

Eat Well: Having bhang on an empty stomach can amplify its impact and cause discomfort.

 Before drinking bhang, ensure you’ve had a nutritious meal. Opt for light, easily digestible foods that offer sustained energy throughout the day.

Plan Transportation: If you’re attending Maha Shivaratri events away from home or consuming bhang at social gatherings, make transportation arrangements in advance. Refrain from driving or operating machinery while under the influence of bhang, as it can impair motor skills and reaction times. Arrange for a designated driver or utilize public transportation for a safe journey.

Respect Local Laws: While bhang holds cultural significance in certain regions of India, its consumption may be regulated or prohibited elsewhere. Familiarize yourself with local laws and regulations regarding cannabis consumption to avoid legal complications. Obtain bhang from reputable sources and ensure it’s consumed in compliance with applicable laws.

Practice Mindfulness and Moderation: Consume bhang mindfully and moderately.

Take time to appreciate each sip and reflect on the spiritual significance of the occasion. Engage in meaningful conversations, participate in rituals, and immerse yourself in the festive ambiance while remaining aware of your surroundings and inner state.


In conclusion (Mahashivratri and Bhang), the association of bhang with Lord Shiva and its significance during Maha Shivaratri reflects the rich cultural heritage and spiritual traditions of Hinduism. While bhang plays a role in enhancing the festive atmosphere and promoting spiritual awareness, it’s essential to approach its consumption with mindfulness and respect for both cultural traditions and legal regulations. By understanding the spiritual symbolism behind bhang and observing responsible consumption practices, devotees can partake in Maha Shivaratri celebrations in a meaningful and fulfilling manner.

FAQs about Mahashivratri and Bhang

Why is bhang associated with Lord Shiva?

Bhang is believed to have originated from a drop of the nectar of immortality that fell during the churning of the ocean. It is considered sacred and is associated with Lord Shiva’s worship, symbolizing spiritual elevation and bliss.

What is the significance of consuming bhang on Maha Shivaratri?

Consuming bhang on Maha Shivaratri is considered auspicious as it is believed to please Lord Shiva. It is also a cultural tradition that enhances the festive spirit and promotes spiritual awareness among devotees.

Is consuming bhang legal during Maha Shivaratri?

While bhang holds cultural and religious significance during Maha Shivaratri, its consumption may be subject to legal regulations depending on the region. It’s important to be aware of local laws and consume bhang responsibly.

How does bhang contribute to the spiritual experience of Maha Shivaratri?

Bhang is believed to aid in achieving a blissful state and enhancing spiritual awareness. Its consumption is seen as a way to connect with the divine and deepen one’s devotion to Lord Shiva during Maha Shivaratri celebrations.

Are there any health risks associated with consuming bhang?

Like any intoxicating substance, excessive consumption of bhang can lead to adverse effects such as anxiety and impaired judgment. It’s important to consume bhang mindfully and in moderation to avoid health risks.

The post Mahashivratri and Bhang: Can we drink bhang in Shivratri fast? first appeared on Bhang.

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Bhang and its Safety: How Safe is Bhang? Mon, 22 Apr 2024 12:39:50 +0000 Bhang and its Safety: How safe is bhang?: Since ancient times, Bhang, commonly known as cannabis, has held a revered status as one of the most sacred herbs in Indian culture, deeply intertwined with traditional celebrations like Holi. Surprisingly, few are aware that Bhang is listed among the top five Ayurvedic herbs in the Atharvaveda. […]

The post Bhang and its Safety: How Safe is Bhang? first appeared on Bhang.

Bhang and its Safety: How safe is bhang?: Since ancient times, Bhang, commonly known as cannabis, has held a revered status as one of the most sacred herbs in Indian culture, deeply intertwined with traditional celebrations like Holi. Surprisingly, few are aware that Bhang is listed among the top five Ayurvedic herbs in the Atharvaveda. However, it’s crucial to note that the Cannabis sativa plant, except for its leaves and seeds, falls under the NDPS Act of 1985.

Despite legal restrictions, Bhang has been a staple during various Indian festivals such as Holi, Mahashivratri, and Ambubachi Mela in Guwahati, and is consumed by the Sikh Nihangs during Hola Mohalla. Its usage during these occasions is often seen as a means to provide pain relief, reduce stress, and promote inner peace.

Benefits of Bhang:

Bhang offers a multitude of benefits ranging from pain management to nutritional support. Rich in fiber, calcium, and essential vitamins, it serves as an excellent source of nourishment. According to Ayurvedic principles, Bhang aids in achieving a pain-free, stress-free existence and promotes inner peace. Additionally, it improves appetite, aids digestion, and enhances sleep quality.

Uses of Bhang:

In Ayurvedic medicine, Bhang has been utilized to address various ailments. Historical texts like the BhavaPrakash Nighantu, Dhanwantari Nighantu, and Rasatarangini mention its medicinal properties and document its use in treating various diseases. Bhang is particularly effective in managing conditions such as pain, insomnia, irritable bowel syndrome, dysmenorrhea, and migraines. It is prepared in various forms such as capsules, tablets, powders, and is also consumed in beverages like thandai, popular during Holi and summer months across India.

Dosage of Bhang:

The appropriate dosage of Bhang depends on factors like age, gender, and overall health. When taken in moderation, Bhang yields favorable outcomes without adverse effects. However, consulting an Ayurvedic practitioner before consumption is advisable.


Despite its numerous health benefits, consuming Bhang in moderation is crucial to avoid side effects like dizziness, hallucinations, and anxiety. Pregnant women and individuals with a history of substance abuse should avoid consuming Bhang. It’s also important to procure Bhang from reputable sources to ensure purity and safety.

Bhang has been a fundamental component of Indian culture and Ayurveda for centuries.

While its benefits are vast, responsible consumption under the guidance of a qualified Ayurvedic practitioner is essential. While the idea of a Holi bash with Bhang may sound appealing, moderation is key to reaping its health benefits safely.

How To Consume Bhang Safely, How safe is bhang?

Stay Hydrated:

Whether you’re indulging in bhang during Shivratri or any other occasion, ensure you stay hydrated throughout the day. Bhang is known to cause dehydration, so drinking plenty of water is essential.

Consume Bhang on a Full Stomach:

Never consume bhang on an empty stomach, as it can lead to discomfort. It’s best to have a substantial meal before drinking bhang to avoid any unpleasant sensations. Additionally, since bhang is potent, consuming it without food is not advisable.

Avoid Mixing Bhang with Other Drinks:

Refrain from mixing bhang with other beverages. Each drink has its own composition, and combining them can have adverse effects on your health.

Take Breaks Between Drinks:

Remember that bhang takes time to take effect on your body. Avoid consuming multiple glasses rapidly in an attempt to get high quickly, as it may lead to discomfort later on. Take it slow and allow the bhang to work its magic gradually.

Purchase Bhang from Licensed Sellers:

For a safe experience, avoid purchasing bhang from street vendors and opt for licensed sellers instead. Random vendors may add chemicals and artificial colors to the drink, posing health risks.

Consume Bhang Outdoors:

It’s advisable to drink bhang outdoors due to its potential to increase body temperature, which can make some individuals feel claustrophobic. However, ensure you’re in a safe environment while enjoying your drink.

Consult Your Doctor:

If you’re undergoing medical treatment or have heart or nerve-related issues, consult your doctor before consuming bhang to ensure it’s safe for you.

Avoid Painkillers:

If you’re trying bhang for the first time, be mindful that it may cause heaviness in the head. Avoid taking painkillers, as they can exacerbate nausea. Instead, opt for a cold water bath to alleviate any discomfort.

Do Not Drive After Consuming Bhang:

Bhang can have similar effects to alcohol and impair your ability to drive safely. It’s best to avoid driving after consuming bhang to ensure your safety and that of others.


Bhang, deeply rooted in Indian culture and Ayurveda, offers numerous benefits when consumed responsibly. While it has been a part of traditional celebrations and festivals, moderation and caution are key to ensuring a safe and enjoyable experience. By following recommended guidelines and seeking medical advice when necessary, individuals can harness the therapeutic potential of Bhang while minimizing risks to their health and well-being.

FAQs about Bhang and its Safety

What are the benefits of consuming Bhang?

Bhang offers various benefits, including pain management, nutritional support, improved appetite, digestion, and sleep quality. It is rich in fiber, calcium, and essential vitamins, promoting overall well-being.

How is Bhang traditionally used in Ayurvedic medicine?

Bhang has been historically utilized in Ayurvedic medicine to address conditions such as pain, insomnia, irritable bowel syndrome, dysmenorrhea, and migraines. It is prepared in various forms such as capsules, tablets, powders, and beverages like thandai.

What precautions should be taken when consuming Bhang?

Consuming Bhang in moderation is crucial to avoid adverse effects like dizziness, hallucinations, and anxiety. Pregnant women and individuals with a history of substance abuse should refrain from its use. Procuring Bhang from reputable sources is also important to ensure purity and safety.

How should Bhang be consumed safely?

It is recommended to stay hydrated, consume Bhang on a full stomach, avoid mixing it with other drinks, take breaks between drinks, purchase from licensed sellers, drink outdoors, and consult a doctor if undergoing medical treatment or having health issues.

Can I drive after consuming Bhang?

Driving after consuming Bhang is not advisable, as it can impair your ability to drive safely similar to alcohol. It’s essential to prioritize safety and refrain from driving to prevent accidents.

The post Bhang and its Safety: How Safe is Bhang? first appeared on Bhang.

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